Greetings to friends and family. Since we no longer live next door and family dynamics are ever changing, this blog attempts to reach out to keep the connections alive.
The holidays were good for us this year. It seemed too pass way to fast. Once we got past the holidays, we focused on house projects and travel. We have a master schedule to set the target and timeline for all of our projects as well as our planned weekly outings. Our retirement life feels as busy as when we had to go to work every day. Our goals along with an action plan are well in place for the next three years.
As the post comes together, we are thankful for good health and the ability to have an active retirement schedule. We cover a lot of ground and stay on the go. Although we do notice things do take longer now.

Celebrated the New Years and now time to pack up the Christmas Tree. Note the absence of winter snow!
The Upstate of South Carolina works for us. The four equal seasons give us windows to fulfill our interests and life-style. The setting and view out our windows are ever changing, fun and full of life.

This spring the stream of Goldfinches visiting us was unrelenting. They were stocking up before the migratory trip north.
After the first of the year we took on many projects inside and out. Our trees needed a lot of attention so we took on the project. Learned a lot from local landscapers and come to conclusion that next year we will seek professional assistance. Climbing ladders and falling branches takes expertise and plenty of muscle. Very visible, if you visit are the updated guest quarters. Bringing the Breakfast Room into the 21st century has been on the list since we moved in.

Love all the mature trees we have. However, they demand a certain amount of care to keep under control. Note all the new tools to make the job more efficient! One positive is we know the route to the Oconee County landfill. This picture taken mid-February and the temps were in the 70s. This routine is now an annual event.

Many house projects this spring. The big one taking on the breakfast room. This is the before picture.

Replacing the carpet with tile certainly had a learning curve. DIY project that almost turned in a career.

This is the after shot. What do you think? Tile a nice solution in an eating space. Pleased with the new wood window valances, a much crisper look and feel.
With us being on the road missed working in the garden and getting our hands dirty. That project was kicked off this spring. The growing methodology is certainly different in the South. Still trying to figure some of it out. Overall good success. More to come in the future.

One of the reasons to move to the country was to have a garden space. Here is the space that was yard last year. Good to get our hands dirty again.

Missed our Michigan perennial garden. Took on creating one here in South Carolina. Learning how to grow things in the South, a new experience.

Recent shot of the garden space. Our green thumb still works here. It was cool to have ripe tomatoes before Memorial Day.
The Airstream is home for three to four months every year. We really like the size for getting into National Parks and many State Parks. We keep talking about one that is larger but for at least the next two years it is still the best fit for what we are doing.

A little elbow grease and some TLC on the old Airstream and it seems again we are ready to hit the road.
The winter was very mild. Almost every week we were able to get on a trail somewhere. Once it got to April we took off on overnight adventures.
Plenty of pictures attached documenting our life this spring. The pictures can tell the story very well.

Our weekly schedule includes at least one hike each week. Once into April, we start the travel season the overnight adventures. Here we are at the Table Rock State Park for several days.

Locally, we travel with a lot of gear…makes for a cluttered campsite. This trip involved kayaks, bikes, hiking shoes and of course a camera. This spring the weather has been outstanding albeit a little on the warm side of the spectrum.

Edith and George Vanderbilt, a legend in their own rite. Front and center is Cedric who gets considerable historical press.

A major exhibit this year was the Biltmore House Party. The event showed off vintage party clothing (recreated from pictures) as well as many party settings. Great fun talking with staff on the process to bring the past alive.

The dining room in all its glory. Took several hours to set up. The guests of George and Edith were treated royally.

Jan and I being amateur chefs really get a kick out of kitchen tour. This kitchen would still work today. A somewhat center for Biltmore gatherings and parties. The kitchen range has awesome technology.

What is a visit without a stop in the library? In this setting love the period dress. Presentation was “everything” noted by the fact George and Edith would change clothes several times a day.

The garden is ever changing. Catching it at the best time takes some planning. Here is a very early spring shot.

There are so many conservatory photos. It is hard to pick the best one. The hot house we find is an educational experience.

Spring is bringing the country side landscape to life here. Stopping to take a picture from the main house balcony is a must do stop.

Strolling the grounds found many views such as this. Love the diversity of color and subject matter in this shot.

The Biltmore estate adopted a working estate ideology dating back to 1895.. The Canola is used today for cooking oil in their restaurants and then used as biodiesel fuel to power farm equipment plus the setting provides an outstanding photo opt. The Canola program started in 2013.

On many outings we find ourselves at the Chattooga Belle Farm. A great stop almost any time of the year.

The setting is outstanding. The farm setting is very tranquil and with the mountain views make for an ideal lunch stop.

Another countryside view from Chattooga Belle restaurant deck. The mountains of Georgia call us across the state line.

We have been here before. The Chau Ram park and hiking trail. Fun footbridge and nice challenging hike.

Jan on the trail at the Dupont State Park in North Carolina. Stopping to enjoy the view after a lunch along the trail.

The Little River in the Smoky Mountains National Park. We planned a week stay in the park only to be sidelined by an equipment failure requiring us to return home after only one day. The take away, things break even in an Airstream.

Table Rock Mountain in the background. The mountain has been calling us to do the 3,000 FT – six mile hike. All set to do the hike but back issues asked us to take a time out.

Jocassee Lake setting very rustic in the mountains. Only public access is at Devils Fork. This provides for a great outdoor experience.
This blog is winding down. My signature photos are sunrise and/or sunset so fitting they take a key slot at the end of the blog.
Only one this time taken this spring after dinner.
It is that time of the year when we hit the road. The end of the month we head off for 12 weeks. The reservations are done, the house sitter in place, the equipment is ready to roll so all we have to do is the last-minute packing.
This summer stops planned at 14 National Parks. Ten of them a first-time experience. Our trip will take us as far south as Texas, Nevada in the west and Minnesota in the north. At the end planned stops in Michigan followed by stops with family in the east. As we head home in the fall, we will wander down Atlantic coast to enjoy the outer banks of North and South Carolina.
We miss everyone. Do keep in touch and if you get a chance stop and see us.
God bless,
Larry and Jan