Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! It is that time of the year when the urge to reach out to friends and family comes front and center. It has been a full-time job for us this year just working through the ever-changing Covid world, just like everyone else. Our health has been good but with compelling incentives to stay behind closed doors to keep out of harm’s way. It was disappointing to cancel all summer travel. On the upside, we got to spend our first full summer in South Carolina tending a full-fledged southern garden. Our hiking shoes still got a workout exploring local trails and the hundreds of waterfalls close by. Last fall we committed to six months of very invasive remodeling and house decorating projects. The demand on our time was all encompassing which ended up being ok as we were grounded anyway. Once the house projects were out of the way, Larry took on a six-month online cooking class.
…and before we knew it, the holiday season was here!
This year has been different. Even on the “trail” rules change. Sign of the times.
Life is never without a good photo opt! Here are some from our side of life… Pictures to follow.
We enjoyed our summer visitors. Our garden seemed to be a meeting place, at times it was covered with colorful visitors. Little did we suspect that the plan was to use many of our herbs as host plants for their chrysalis.
Here are snowfall scenes from last year. Our current weather report indicates the possibility of a white Christmas.
The passage of time confirmed that taking on the house projects was a good decision. Everything that got in our way got painted, all the floors refinished or replaced. The big projects were painting all the kitchen and bathroom cabinets, major upgrade for the laundry room, and a couple of pallets of ceramic tile.
By the way we have new neighbors…Big Ben and Pumpkin. It is so good to have good friends next door.
Spent a lot of time on the deck.
The Fourth of July was celebrated on the deck…
The garden was great…good resource for the cooking class.
Enjoyed the flowering trees…
Great sunsets…each one is different!
This summer hundreds of photos posted online along with descriptions of tasty culinary dishes. Competed all the cooking course requirements. If you get a chance stop in, I love to show off…
Then there are all the hikes and fun fall colors…
Still having fun. Merry Christmas!
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!
God Bless,
Jan and Larry