Our summer adventures continue with a trip close to home to Table Rock State Park. The objective to do serious hiking climbing the trail to the top of Table Rock. This is our second stay at this park. This will be the second time that an ailing back put a damper on the main goal. Not all was lost as there are plenty of outstanding trails here and the surrounding area that are more moderate. Plus, this is a beautiful state park with plenty of photo opts.

Table Rock State Park – Close to home with plenty of things to do

The infamous Table Rock Mountain, a challenge for hikers

Early May is a great time to visit this park in the South Carolina mountains
The set up got interesting right away. A visit from Mr. Bear got our attention for sure.

We just got set up when we had this visitor.

This guy came over for lunch so we thought it best to leave… However, I still got off one last shot.
This Park has a major trail head for local and regional trails. Took advantage by doing a nice hike around the lake as well as along the mountain streams. Lots of spring flowers this time of the year.

The goal for this visit, climb the mountain and take advantage of the many trails.

Caught this colorful scene on a walk around the lake.

Stopped to enjoy the view

The question is how tall is this mountain anyway.

The park was originally a CCC project. The lodge has that CCC look and feel. Still in use today.

Very different constructed dam, looks like another CCC project.

Interesting small cascade on a backcountry hike.

Caught this photo on a nice hike along the creek.

Could not resist this shot…

Caught this cool picture through the trees along the river…

Spring in the mountains, lots to see.

The Mountain-Laurel an awesome spring display.

Simple spring flower.

Lots of yellow flowers here…

This shot withstood the cut from many photos.

I have always liked Moonflowers.
Took a trip up the Mountain to North Carolina. Curious stop at Bald Mountain. Ended up at Brevard. This is a favorite town of ours. If we had it to do over again this may have been home.

Bald Rock Heritage Preserve near Caesars Head State Park. Graffiti at its “best”.

Bald Mountain view.

Solomon’s Seal a very interesting plant…

Took time out to visit Brevard, North Carolina to catch up with the white squirrel.

Jan and Mr. White Squirrel.
Jones Gap State Park is a sister to Table Rock. This is a very popular park. On the week ends you to have reservations to get in. The main trail is to Rainbow Falls. After our visit this hike and falls are now in our top 10 favorite. The hike is over seven miles in and out with a 1,200 Ft climb. This is a hike we will repeat for sure. The Park headquarters was a CCC project.

Another CCC project, Jones Gap State Park

Jones Gap hike to Rainbow falls, the beginning.

The Rainbow Falls Trail crossed the creek several times.

This trail has a little of everything…here are the structured stairs.

This trail was harder the higher we went.

Just had to capture his scene. Setting and lighting good.

More trail and creek photos…

Rainbow falls, worth the climb. The rock scramble here was an unexpected treat.

If you are up to a nice hike, this falls is worth the effort.
This ended up being a great trip. Getting ready for the next one to the North Carolina Pisgah Mountains.
God bless,
Larry and Jan